git cli

To backup my arduino sketches I will use a remote git repository hosted on my own server. So lets start

  • git init – initialize a new local repository
  • git clone @: – check out/clone from a remote reporitory

The local repo is devided into a working copy, the index as interim stage und the head which is a link to the last commit.

  • git add – add a file to local repository
  • git commit -m “
  • git push origin master – sync local repository with remote repo

If the local repo was not cloned but should be linked to a remote repository use:

  • git remote add origin

To sync the local repository use:

  • git pull – fetch remote changes and merge them with the local files
  • git add – inform git about solved merge problems after solving


git init

git add .

git commit -am “

git remote add origin @:

git push -u origin master

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