change default application in android

Tap the Menu button on your phone and select the Android Settings option. Scroll down to the Applications section and tap it. On the next screen, tap Manage Applications and then the All tab on the subsequent screen. Scroll down the list of apps until you see the old browser listed and tap that entry. On the next screen look for the “Launch by default” section and hit the Clear defaults button.

Fritzbox – OpenVPN

My Fritzbox 7270 was recently configured to open a VPN tunnel to my internal network. The fritzbox config is shown below in the picture:

My Desire is configured like this:

proto udp
dev tap
ns-cert-type server
ca /sdcard/openvpn/ca.crt
cert /sdcard/openvpn/client.crt
key /sdcard/openvpn/client.key
tls-auth /sdcard/openvpn/static.key 1
tun-mtu 1500
cipher AES-128-CBC
verb 3


GoldCard Tool v0.0.5


* Latest HTC Sync software installed (
* Spare microSD card
* Windows PC (Tested on Windows7 x64,Vista x86)
* .Net Framework 2.0

Step by step instructions:

* Format the microSD card to FAT32 format.
* Put the microSD card in your device and boot it.
* Launch GoldCard Tool (Right Click and run as Admin if needed)
* Connect Android device to USB (USB Debugging must be enabled on the device)
* Click ‘Get CID’ (If MMC1 fails try MMC0)
* Click the link to open, enter the CID number from Goldcard Tool and create your goldcard image, which will be e-mailed to you.
* Enable USB Mass Storage on the device.
* Click ‘Refresh’ and select your microSD card in the drop down menu.
* Click ‘Load GoldCard.img’ and open the .img file you got by email.
* Click ‘Patch MMC’

You now have a goldcard!

HTC Sync is required for drivers only
Android SDK is not required

After a couple of requests I have decided to release the source code.

HTC Desire root

Guide to root using Windows, MAC OS X and Linux

1. !Some people reported that this method needs to have GoldCard(in most cases you won’t need it) even if you have unbranded device, more here
2. You need to have Android SDK and HTC Sync installed(for Windows users)
3. Download following items:
—- If you have a bootloader version 0.75.xxxx or below AND a current ROM of or below – DOWNLOAD / MIRROR
—- If you have a bootloader version 0.80.xxxx or below AND a current ROM of or below – DOWNLOAD / MIRROR
4. Unzip the file you downloaded to a directory, then open a command prompt / terminal window at that directory.
5. Turn off your HTC Desire, then turn it back on with the ‘back’ button held down. You’ll see ‘FASTBOOT’ written on the screen in a red box. Connect the phone to the computer.
6. In the command prompt/terminal window, enter either ‘step1-windows.bat'(for windows), ‘./'(for mac) or ‘./'(for linux)
7. Navigate to the ‘BOOTLOADER’ and then ‘RECOVERY’ option on the menu, using the volume buttons to move and the power button to select.
8. In the command prompt/terminal window, enter either ‘step2-windows.bat’, ‘./’ or ‘./’ as appropriate.
9. When this has completed, your device should be at the ‘recovery'(“green”) screen. Select Wipe and then press Wipe data/factory reset
10. Once complete you should be back in the main menu. Now select the option Flash zip from sdcard and than choose
11. Once back in the main menu, choose restart the phone – the rooting process is now finished

How to flash ROM

1. Download this
2. Turn off Desire and then turn it on while holding back button to enter bootloader(white screen)
3. Once in “white screen” press power button again to enter bootloader
4. Connect Desire with PC
5. Press Volume Down and than Power to enter Recovery
6. Now the red triangle should show up, go to folder you downloaded file and press recovery-windows.bat, or depending on which OS you have
7. Now you are in recovery mode (green screen), press Wipe and than Wipe data/clear storage, than press optical tracker to confirm it
8. After that press Volume Down to go back to main menu in recovery
9. Navigate to Flash zip from sdcard using optical tracker, select .zip confirm it and wait until process finish, after that press Reboot system and unplug you Desire
10. Enjoy your new ROM

LeeDroid V2.1a with A2SD+


Bootloop? – Re flash making sure you fully wipe

Video causing restart – Flash latest radio

Grainy Camera – Try it without you back cover on not a rom issue. See attached photo (where i dont have the plactic lens cover on my case anymore, using Camera360 for HDR effect

SD card read only – mount in windows and chkdsk

Internal Memory – it does reduce slightly even with A2SD+. you will have 139mb on boot

Wireless N – is not in this rom

SetCPU – you need to buy the app. IT is not included

Recovery – Enter android recovery > apply and that will take you to clockwork recovery

Not booting – allow the phone time to boot after flashing. Sometimes it can take 5 mins. Also dont restore system settings using Titanium. It can cause faults


* Use either Amon RA or clockworkmod Recovery < also available via rom manager from the market. * if you want A2SD+ Ensure your SD Card is Partitioned with FAT32 & an EXT3 partition * Nandroid Backup * Full wipe Only required if coming from a non Froyo rom (but always recommended) * Flash Rom (you may need to toggle signature verifacation) * Flash Radio (unless you already have it) * If you already have an EXT3 partition you will be ready for the A2SD+ version * FroYo Apps2SD implementation does not utilize the EXT3 partition * Reboot (this may take a 5-10 mins on the initial boot) * Optional: Install any Addins + Customizations after first boot A2SD+ * Moves apps & Dalvik cahche to your SD card * Lots of free internal memory! * You will be required to format you SD card with 2 partitions as laid out below Partitioning your SD Card ready for A2SD+ * Backup all data on you SD card (this will be wiped) * The card should be formatted with your standard FAT32 partition 1st followed by an EXT3 partition (I would recommend 512mb, EXT4 is also supported but may shorten the life of you SD card) * Linux users use GParted or a similar software. * For everyone else I would recommend using Rom Manager * Once you have downloaded rom manager from the market, open the app and click partition SD Card, Select your EXT size and set 0mb for swap * Restore your data to your SD and the job is done. FroYo A2SD * Moves apps to your Fat32 partition (SD) * No EXT partition is required * Use "Mod Install Location" (included) to change you default install location. * please note, not all applications support direct install to your SD, you can install these and then move them via Sttings > Applications > Manage Applications

Possible issues and solutions

* Maps does not show as installed in the market > go to Setting > Applications > all > and clear data & cache in market.
* I Cant update some of the preinstalled apps even though they are in /data Remove them via Settings > applications, then install them from the market.
* No mobile internet > go to Wireless & Networks > Mobile Networks > APN then clear defaults, if your settings dont install just enter them manually
* I cant see some of the applications that come with the rom >If these are supposed to be included in the rom but do not show up, Try a full wipe
* I have lost my clockwork recovery from my sd > Here it is,just drop it on your SD.

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