Cups Print Server with remote printer driver

To enable remote printing on a print server first setup the server with the correct printer drivers. In my case I had to install foo2zjs package in order to get my printer running. My network printer was than configured using the cups webinterface as socket://:9100 which is quiet specific for my HP printer.
The remote printing must be configured using the following entries in cupsd.conf:

Listen ip of printserver:631
BrowseOrder Deny,Allow
BrowseAllow From local net/

Order deny,allow
Deny From All
Allow From localnet /

on the client side please add the following directive to cupsd.conf:

BrowsePoll ip of printserver :631

In newer versions of cups the directive must be placed in cups-browsed.conf. The directive itself remains the same.

Do not forget to start both servers in order to get the new directives working. On the client machine the remote printers should be available in the webinterface as newly added printers ready for jobs.

In newer versions do not forget to restart the cups-browsed service also.